Pecunia Treasury & Finance Life of an interim treasurer Besparingen na een treasury quick scan: praktijkvoorbeelden How much are you paying your bank ? Press Release: Pecunia Treasury and Finance and Treasury Delta form strategic alliance Treasurers embracing a bigger role in the boardroom Does your treasury have a digital mindset ? Saving on FX deals? Often neglected but potentially a “pot of gold” The IT-savvy Treasurer Corporate treasury trends and challenges on the horizon in 2022 AI-Based Cash Forecasting: Treasure at The Bottom of The Data Lake Is a Treasury Tech self-build feasible ? 8 Tips on How To Cooperate Effectively With an Interim Manager LinkedIn’s Top 10 Treasury Experts For Valuable Insights New Service – Associate Consultant Partnerships Is there now a Treasury Opportunity on Counterparty Bank Deposits? Setting Us Apart from the Crowd – Our Treasury Interim Manager Services Pecunia Treasury & Finance BV Takes Home TMI Award for Best Cash Management Advisory Introducing Our Student Consultants: The Practical Choice for Your Business Needs Keeping Your Treasury Running Smoothly: Introducing Pecunia’s Interim Manager Solutions Introducing Pecunia: Your Trusted Network of Interim Treasurers & Consultants DO TREASURERS REALLY NEED INSTANT PAYMENTS? SOME IMPLICATIONS Linet CB HS Nedstar Uber CONTACT PARTNERS OVER KLANTEN SOFTWARE DIENSTEN HOME Is cash still king? Takeaway Client Arcadis Client NewCold Client PZEM Netherlands 11th anniversary & The Interim Treasury Network BLOG Sitemap Patrick Kunz Privacy Policy The Social Hub Zalando Netherlands TUE Netherlands Shell Netherlands Evos ABONNEMENT