AI-Based Cash Forecasting: Treasure at The Bottom of The Data Lake

Cash forecasting involves trying to predict the future, which is impossible. AI-based cash forecasting tools can help simplify a treasurer’s job, but striving for 100% accuracy is a waste of time. Treasurers should focus on using the data they have to gain insight into their future cash position, rather than attempting to predict every single factor.

Treasurers embracing a bigger role in the boardroom

Article published on 14 december 2021 on website: written by Liz Salecka   Corporate treasurers are now well placed to pursue greater career ambitions – even outside treasury Corporate treasurers have historically always taken a back seat in driving forward corporate operational and strategic thinking, and for many this has […]

Saving on FX deals? Often neglected but potentially a “pot of gold”

Doing business internationally often means dealing with foreign currency (FX). This poses a risk as the exchange rate changes daily, basically every second. To mitigate this risk a company can hedge the position via FX deals (discussed in a previous article). But what are the costs of those deals to companies? […]