Is a Treasury Tech self-build feasible ?

This article was written by Tom Alford and published on TMI Website on may 10, 2022. Our consultant Patrick Kunz contributed to the content of the article via an interview. Treasury is an increasingly technology-enhanced function, and some treasurers have taken their involvement to the next level, building their own solutions. […]

AI-Based Cash Forecasting: Treasure at The Bottom of The Data Lake

Cash forecasting involves trying to predict the future, which is impossible. AI-based cash forecasting tools can help simplify a treasurer’s job, but striving for 100% accuracy is a waste of time. Treasurers should focus on using the data they have to gain insight into their future cash position, rather than attempting to predict every single factor.

Corporate treasury trends and challenges on the horizon in 2022

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The Global Treasurer outlines the key trends and challenges that will shape corporate treasury strategies over the next 12 months – article published on on 2Feb2022 and written by Liz Salecka. Input by our consultant Patrick Kunz:   The pandemic, a seismic shift to homeworking, and ongoing economic uncertainty have […]

Treasurers embracing a bigger role in the boardroom

Article published on 14 december 2021 on website: written by Liz Salecka   Corporate treasurers are now well placed to pursue greater career ambitions – even outside treasury Corporate treasurers have historically always taken a back seat in driving forward corporate operational and strategic thinking, and for many this has […]